Thursday, September 5, 2013

DIY - How To Make A Wall Lamp/Sconce

This DIY project is quite common on Youtube. There are a lot of them and each of them have different styles which is a good thing. I chose this DIY project because it is quite easy to do and yes, I love styling my room. Can you imagine your room with heart lights on shining on your walls. This image below is one example of a wall light done by this DIY project.

 Anyway, the materials needed are cheap and the instructions are easy to understand. It only took me one view to completely understand the instructions. Although making it will be difficult since I'm not that good with power tools and stuff but hey, we gotta do tough things in life to attain success.

Like all of my posts, this is the part wherein I elaborate the maker of this DIY project. This was made by EngineerYourSpace. There are a lot more DIY projects on their YouTube page. Here's the DIY video:


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